I would also like to share the downloads for the Pokemon Black and White roms. I found it in ndsroms4u.com via google and that's where I downloaded mine and the rom's great, I've been playing all day.
Here are the download links:
Pokemon Black Version (US) Download
Pokemon White Version (US) Download
You also need to use DeSmuMe for the rom to work. I haven't tried it in other emulators except No$GBA and sadly, it doesn't work there. So I'll be providing the download link for the DesMuMe too.
DeSmuMe Nintendo DS Emulator Download

So yeah, I chose Snivy as my starter pokemon. He's a grass type Snake like pokemon. Right now it's already level 36 and already a Serperior. It's actually strong though. And it looks cool, Kinda like a Slytherin Snake.

My Current pokemon team are as follows: Krokorok, a ground/dark type crocodile pokemon that evolves from Sandile and will later evolve into Krookodile. He's mainly reliable and is good to use agains Elesa, the 4th gym leader, for she uses Electric Type Pokemon; Panpour, a water type monkey pokemon that evolves into a Simipour when given a water stone. I got it from Dreamyard. The pokemon you'll get from it will depend on what starter you chose; Unfezant, a normal/flying type bird pokemon that evolves from Tranquill that evolved from Pidove. I just captured it because, well you know, I'll soon have the HM Fly. This pokemon is good against the Burgh, the third gym leader who uses bug-type pokemons; Tepig, a fire pig type pokemon who'll later evolve into a fire/fighting type pokemon. One of the three starters. It's also good against Burgh; and Lastly, Serperior, my very first pokemon in Pokemon Black.

When I told you that I've been playing all day, Well, I mean it. I just stopped playing right now and decided to blog about it and have a little rest later. I've been playing for nine hours now. Nine fucking hours. I just stopped playing because I had to eat, take a bath and go to church, and when I got home, I resumed playing. If only I didn't had school I'd be playing until 4am in the morning and have as less sleep as possible then resume playing. I now it's childish but pokemon was a really big part of my childhood and I just had to enjoy my childhood once more.

I've been playing for hours now but I've only got 4 badges. The first gym is at Striaton City. The leader specializes in Grass, Fire and Water pokemons, depending on what starter you chose. You'll be awarded with a Trio Badge, a TM 83 and you could use the HM cut outside of battle. The second gym is at Nacrene City. The leader specializes in Normal-type pokemon. After defeating the gym, you'll be given a Basic Badge. The third gym is at Castelia City the leader specializes in Bug type pokemon. He gives the Insect Badge. and the Fourth gym is at Nimbasa City. The leader specializes in Thunder-type pokemon but I don't suggest using ground types against her because her first two pokemons are Emolgas who are flying/thunder type, so ground type attacks won't work against it. She gives the Bolt badge.

I also posted a few Action Replay cheat codes for Pokemon Black and White in my blog. I haven't tested them all but I think they would go on well. Anyway the cheats could damage your file so use it at your own risk.
Pokemon Black and White Action Replay Cheats Part 1: Wild Pokemon Modifiers
Pokemon Black and White Action Replay Cheats Part 2: Everything Else.
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